
55.00 CHF each
Weight: 0.8 kg
Width: 7 cm
Length: 11.6 cm
Height: 8.1 cm

contour plot of the mythen mountains

The Mythen

Behold the Mythen, majestically rising as guardians between the cantons of Schwyz and Zug. With an impressive height of 1'898 meters, their distinctive peaks shape the silhouette of the Swiss Alps. In their sublime form, they reflect not only the powerful forces of nature but also the cultural history of the region.

The Mythen, serene and grand, tell stories of times gone by. With every rock cleft and elevation, they capture the imprints of history. In their timeless splendor, they are not just natural monuments but living witnesses to bygone eras. The Mythen, with their height and form, harbor a heritage sculpted by wind and weather.

From the Mythen, a breathtaking panorama unfolds, capturing not only the majestic landscape but also the cultural significance of the Swiss Alps. With a height of 1'898 meters, the Mythen are not just lofty peaks but also a window to the past and a symbol of the timeless beauty of nature.

The Model on a Map

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